Vocabulary in Context
Vocabulary in Context 3
Stated Meaning
A context is a sentence, paragraph, or longer unit of writing that surrounds a word. Sometimes the context states the meaning of a word directly.
E.g. Some dentists provide services free to the poor because they are altruistic – unselfishly concerned for the welfare of others.
This states that altruistic means " unselfishly concerned for the welafare of poor."
Ways in Which Word Meanings Are Stated
Writers often give straightforward definitions of words. Underline the definition of the italicized term in the following sentence:
Your receptive vocabulary is the words you know when you read and listen.
Your receptive vocabulary is the words you know when you read and listen.
Word meanings are also often set off with punctuation such as parentheses ( ), commas, and dashes ( - )
The meaning of progeny is set off by parentheses.
The meaning of orthography is set off by commas.
The meaning of plagiarize is set off by a dash.
Exercise: Underline the synonyms or definitions of the boldface words in the following sentences.
Answer key:
Rebum labore lorem dolores kasd est, et ipsum amet et at kasd, ipsum sea tempor magna tempor. Accu kasd sed ea duo ipsum. Dolor duo eirmod sea justo no lorem est diam
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